Breena Maggio Description:
A delicious opportunity to release those tight neck muscles. Mmmmmm. You’re welcome. Equipment Needed:
Block, 1/2 Dome, Bolster, one light weight (2-3lb) or can
Michael Kaffel Description:
Let’s dig in deep to our hyperkyphosis and explore our actual shoulder motion, shall we? Equipment Needed:
Bolster, 1/2 Dome, Block, light weights (or small canned goods)
* Sorry about the “tap, tap, tapping”…we have a bird that is in love with him or herself. We think he is sending us a message in Morse code. If you can decipher the code, please let us know. It is likely a universal message to humanity and could likely save the world. Unfortunately, none of know Morse code.
Breena Maggio Description:
We will work on increasing range of motion about the shoulder joint, and well as scapular (shoulderblade) stabilization and length of the pectoral (chest) muscles. Bonus: a trick your kids will love! Equipment Needed:
Foam Roller, Half Dome, Block, Bolster, Elastic Tubing (light resistance, preferably with flexible handles)
Michael Kaffel Description:
Due to all the stuff we do with our arms out in front of us (driving, computers), many of us have developed a really tight chest and shoulders, and hyperkyphosis of the thoracic spine. This class will help to mobilize the shoulders and thoracic spine and help to restore the stability of the scapulae. Equipment Needed:
Half Dome, Block, Bolster, Elastic Tubing (light resistance, preferably with flexible handles)
Breena Maggio Description:
Muscular strength requires appropriate muscle length. To prepare for some weight bearing and increased resistance, we will first work on opening up around the shoulder joint, and then gradually increase the workload for the upper body, finishing with lovely forearm stretches. Equipment Needed:
Half Dome, Block, Elastic Tubing (light resistance, preferably with flexible handles), Light Weight, Foam Roller