Breena Maggio
How strong are your legs? Not “how much weight can you lift or push” but “can your legs move YOU?” Let’s see…
Equipment Needed:
Bolster, Half Dome, Strap, Monster Band, 2 Blankets (maybe other bolsters depending on your hip and knee mobility)
Note: We had a foam roller out that we didn’t end up using. An awesome exercise you can use it for is to do the “splits” on the roller: Front calf on the roller, back knee on floor. Square up your pelvis towards the roller. Gradually roll the roller away from you- repositioning it towards the ankle as necessary- as you go deeper into the “splits” (might not look anything like the splits) to get a great stretch in the hamstrings of the front leg and hip flexors of the back leg, and a bonus rolling on the calf on the roller. So good.
Tim Harris
Another flow series! Using breath and continuity of movement, you will be led through a series of exercises focusing on external rotation, pelvic list, and balance. Note: At the beginning of the Bosu section, you can use a bolster, stacked pillows or blankets, or your block, to place your knee on. During the two-legged balance portion, if you do not have a Bosu, you can use an inflatable balance disk or 2 half domes flat side up…or just do single leg balance on your half dome (flat side up). Take extra care if attempting the stand on the Bosu flat side up- sometimes a friend’s hand is helpful for getting on and off.
Equipment Needed:
Half Dome, Block, maybe a Bosu or inflatable balance disk (if you have one. If not, your half dome, flat side up, will work just fine.)
*The video “Note” demonstrates use of the balance disk.
Breena Maggio
The pelvic (hip) list is the first thing that should happen for us to take a step, but most of us don’t have the strength in our lateral hips to support our own body weight. This progression will not only get you really working these muscles, but help you work them better by using a variety of “tricks”.
Equipment Needed:
1/2 Dome, Block, 12” long Block (or maybe a book)
Breena Maggio
Our tight hip flexors inhibit both full extension of the hip (think leg going back behind you when you walk) and full hip flexion. This class will give you a chance to spend time both in flexion and working on releasing in extension – both of which will help further your progress of moving through your well- aligned squat.
Equipment Needed:
Half Dome, Strap (maybe 2), Block, Bolster, maybe a second Half Domes or rolled up yoga mat
*Please excuse the headless instructor for the first 30 seconds