Breena Maggio Description:
A general, all-around hip opening class to gain more freedom of movement about the largest joints in your body. Equipment Needed:
Bolster, Block, Yoga Block, Yoga Strap, Tennis Ball
Breena Maggio Description:
An exploration of a variety of positions, for both work and rest, that you can use when you work at a low table, or garden, or clean the boat, or whatever! Play with it. Move more. Have fun and feel GOOD! Equipment Needed:
2 Bolsters, Half Dome, 2 Blankets, Strap (maybe more or less stuff depending on your bolstering needs)
Breena Maggio Description:
Many of will find that once the femur is neutral (neutral kneepits), this reveals the tension in our feet. We will work on restoring mobility within the foot so that by the end of this class, your ability to evert the forefoot (getting the ball of your foot flat on the ground, or closer to it) will be better. Equipment Needed:
Bolster, Half Dome, Strap, YTU ball or tennis ball…
Breena Maggio Description:
The feet are our foundation. And they are tight (for most of us). Tight feet affect everything that sits on top of them. We’ll spend some quality time restoring some of the length to the muscles of the feet and lower legs. Equipment Needed:
1/2 Dome, Tennis Ball (or therapy or YTU ball), maybe a Blanket, maybe a Bolster
Breena Maggio Description:
The pelvic (hip) list is the first thing that should happen for us to take a step, but most of us don’t have the strength in our lateral hips to support our own body weight. This progression will not only get you really working these muscles, but help you work them better by using a variety of “tricks”. Equipment Needed:
1/2 Dome, Block, 12” long Block (or maybe a book)