Core M

Showing all 11 results

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    Let’s check out our adductors. This class will work with the strength and yield of the inner thighs both with straight and bent knees.
    Equipment Needed:
    Block, Bolster, Half Dome, Strap, Red Squishy Ball (or block)

  • Instructor:
    Michael Kaffel
    From our BEACH Ball series, this class doesn’t actually use a ball, because YOU will be the ball. Great deep core work.
    Equipment Needed:
    Bolster, Yoga Block, 1/2 Dome, Yoga Strap

  • Instructor:
    Michael Kaffel
    Core muscles are required for balance. They should be able to handle dynamic loads. This class includes a progression of balance exercises on the ball, plenty of twisting, some hip opening…and lots of fun!
    Equipment Needed:
    Large Exercise Ball, Half Dome
    *Be careful with the balance exercises in this class! 

  • Instructor:
    Michael Kaffel
    Using the large exercise ball, you will get some great core, hamstring, and balance work. And of course, lots of fun!
    Equipment Needed:
    Large Exercise Ball, Half Dome, Wall
    * Be careful with the balance exercises on the ball in this class! Attempt at your own risk, and please be safe (move into an open space, preferable cushioned).

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    When we think of core strength, we don’t always consider the mobility of the individual ribs or the thoracic spine, but everything’s connected and the “stickiness” of these areas will affect how the core muscles work. So we’ll work on unsticking and lubing up these areas.
    Equipment Needed:
    Bolster, Half Dome, Strap, Blanket

  • Instructor:
    Joan Allen
    A full core workout- active, reflexive, stretching, relaxing (just a little). This class will get your core moving in ways it might never have!
    Equipment Needed:
    Large Exercise Ball, BOSU (or Bolster), Blanket, Half Dome, Block, Red Squishy Ball

  • Instructor:
    Tim Harris
    Tension in the low back? Tim will guide you through a lot of loosening up of the lumbar area, waist, and deep hip rotators. Aaaaahhh. And then a surprise J
    Equipment Needed:
    1/2 Dome, Block

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    In this class we will explore shoulder range of motion and hyperkyphosis and their relationship to core strength. To support your weight- either on your hands or hanging from them- you need thoracic mobility and the ability to stabilize your ribcage, i.e. core strength. This class will help you become aware of tensions that might be preventing you from moving through various ranges of motion required for hanging or supported body weight exercises.
    Equipment Needed:
    Bolster, Half Dome, (2) Straps. Light Weight (1 or 2 lbs)
    * Note: If you have diastasis recti, be mindful of the integrity of the abdominal wall and work within the parameters of your boundaries.

  • Instructor:
    Michael Kaffel
    What about the tucking? When should my pelvis be in neutral and when should I tuck? Wait…sometimes I should tuck???
    Equipment Needed:
    1/2 Dome, Block, Bolster

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    The ability for your transverse abdominal (TVA) muscles to be active is dependent on the position of the bones they are attached to- your ribs and your pelvis. We will go thru a series of evaluations and exercises to find neutral ribs and pelvis and work on activation of the deepest core muscles – your TVA.
    Equipment Needed:
    *Note: Please excuse the lack of the teacher’s head for a few shots in this video.

  • Instructor:
    Breena Maggio
    When we have a habit of sucking in the belly, we affect the pressures in the abdominal and thoracic cavities. This class will help you see how much or how little activity you have in your deep abdominals and how to change how you move your body to improve or prevent diastasis recti.
    Equipment Needed:
    Block, Half Dome, Bolster, Strap

Showing all 11 results